Month: August 2007

  • gosh..i don't know where time goes.....was it really march the last time i posted??!!  it only seems that it's been weeks....i always have the best intentions in blogging, but procrastination obviously gets the best of me....."yes, i really must update my blog....but i'll do it after lunch..." lunch becomes tomorrow, tomorrow becomes next week, and then all of a sudden it's been 5 months!

    I wish i had 5 months worth of updates to give you, but mostly i've been reading my textbooks and doing coursework....but i guess that in this time i've decided to stick with the social sciences as i do quite enjoy them, even if i don't like writing all the instead of going into teaching, i'm going to do a psychology degree....and then when i'm finished, I'm going to combine it with my art studies and perhaps do a masters degree in art therapy...long term planning here.....i always seem to be doing long term planning...i wonder if it's not just another way of procrastinating....and probably when the time gets nearer, i will have new ideas and new goals, and so i will change directions again find some new thing....the funny thing is that when i first started university clear back in 1989, i started out doing a psychology degree....but then i was impatient and didn't really want to spend 10 more years in school......but how long have i been in higher education now?? off and on for 18 years near enough...had i just stuck with psychology in the first place, i'd be working as one by now...but i suppose i wouldn't have all my life experiences and i wouldn't have studied art in the first place, so i'd probably be doing some other branch of psych in the first place..

    i haven't even had time to do artwork lately.....which is ok i suppose, since i've not been feeling very artistic...but i suppose that's probably to do with the fact that i don't have it's neither here nor there...but i'm nearly done with this course...2 more months, 2 more essays...and then i've got some free time to wind down before i start my next set of courses...

    I have, however, bought myself a new 100mm f2.8 macro lens, and i am in love with it!  now i just need a holiday so that i can go out and use it! (i always seem to need a holiday!)
    anyways, i've opened a flickr account a while back and so if you want to see some of my new photos, you can do so by clicking on the photo below. 

    nature's fractal
    ©Tracy Adams 2007